Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Highest Veteran Count in Mississippi Declines
The bureau said the decline is partly due to Hurricane Katrina, which in general has reduced the population of the three coastal counties since the storm five years ago.
Full Story:
Coast Has Most Vets, But Numbers Show Decline
The Sun Herald/Dec. 29, 2010
Story by Michael Newsom
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Flying Jennies Train for Deployment to Afghanistan in January

TSgt Dana Kelley of Ocean Springs prepares a parachute for an airdrop off an 815th Airlift Squardron Super Hercules airplane during a training mission Tuesday at Keesler Air Force Base. (Photo by Harlan Kirgan/The Mississippi Press)
A C-130J-30 at KAFB

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Holiday Mail to Heroes Sent to national Red Cross in D.C.

Resurrection High School students dress as elves to collect signed greeting cards to send to military personnel through Holiday Mail for Heroes, a program by the American Red Cross, during Downtown for the Holidays on Dec. 3 in Delmas Plaza in Pascagoula.

PASCAGOULA -- Holley Cunningham said that 8,040 greeting cards were collected during November and the weekend of Dec. 3-4 for the Holiday Mail for Heroes campaign sponsored by the American Red Cross.
November 25, 2010 @
Monday, December 6, 2010
Holiday Mail for Heroes Hailed at Downtown Fest
Cunningham, 17, collected the cards during November and this past weekend, beginning with Downtown for the Holidays event on Friday night and on Saturday at sign-up stations at Jerry Lee's Grocery on Ingalls Avenue and at Singing River Mall in Gautier.
More information may be obtained at
Monday, November 29, 2010
Volunteers Work to Bring Honor Flight to Mississippi Veterans
Friday, November 19, 2010
Booth Hopes High for Honor Flight

Thursday, November 11, 2010
Construction Postpones Jackson County Veterans Parade, Program
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Breakfast for Veterans at Gautier High
The Veterans Breakfast held Monday, Nov. 08, at Gautier High School put the school's 2006 graduate at the center of attention. This year marked the 11th time for the event that honors local veterans of all wars for their service to the U.S.
McDaniel, a Marine, lost both legs and left hand during a mine explosion in August this year while serving in Afghanistan.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Veterans Tower Planned for Gautier
Friday, October 15, 2010
Officer Lee's Death Reaches 8th Year Oct. 17
MOSS POINT -- Sunday, Oct. 17, will mark the anniversary of the death of Police Officer Larry DeWayne Lee, who was 42 years old when he died that Thursday night in 2002.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Guardsmen Visit Courthouse Coffee
Monday, October 11, 2010
Assistant Teacher Dies During Wreck in Florida
Corporal Laid to Rest 66 Years After His Death
Hellums, 28, was killed Oct. 9, 1944, when a German rocket struck his M10 tank in Lorraine, France, during World War II.
He was among three of five soldiers who died from the attack, though military officials had listed him missing in action. His remains were found four years ago.
Hellums was buried Saturday, Oct. 9, 2010, at the Shady Grove Cemetery outside Bruce, Miss., with state National Guard members carrying his casket to its resting place.
(Information gathered from the Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal and some AP reports.)
Friday, October 8, 2010
Breaking News: Wife of Deputy Chief Dies
MOSS POINT – City officials learned late this morning that the wife of Deputy Chief Bobby Johnson died following a vehicle wreck in Florida.
Mrs. Johnson, whose first name was unavailable for this report, was in Jacksonville on Friday visiting with her daughter, who also was involved in the vehicle accident but was not hurt, according to Mayor Aneice Liddell. She said the deputy chief wife’s had been in Florida since Wednesday.
Apparently, Mrs. Johnson was reported to have been doing well after the wreck but died later at an area hospital.
Further details about the cause of her death and the accident itself were not known for this report.
Mayor Aneice Liddell said Deputy Chief Johnson was on his way to Jacksonville when he learned that his wife had passed away. She said Johnson and his daughter have other family members who live in Jacksonville.
Johnson's wife was always supportive of her husband, and attended any and every function that involved the deputy chief, the mayor said. "He and his wife did everything together. They were very close."
Liddell said another officer from the Moss Point Police Department probably would travel to Jacksonville to help Johnson make the return trip to the city, but exact plans depend on continuing circumstances surrounding his spouse's death.
"We are waiting to see what his needs are," she said around midday Friday.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Law Enforcement Academy Graduates Katrina Class
Monday, August 9, 2010
Fireman Fights Fire at His Own Home, Saves Photos
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Guardsman a Robbery Suspect, Suicide Victim
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Lady at the Helm of George County Sheriff Department
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Debbie Welford to lead Sheriff's Department
Friday, July 30, 2010
July Deadliest Month in Afghanistan

Monday, July 26, 2010
George County Sheriff's Personnel Honor Boss, Carry On

Sunday, July 25, 2010
Funeral Set for George County Sheriff Garry Welford
Friday, July 23, 2010
First Lady Christens Stratton (WMSL 752)

First Lady Michelle Obama breaks a bottle of sparkling wine across the bow of the Coast Guard's newest national security cutter, officially christening the ship Stratton (WMSL 752). More than 3,000 guests attended the ceremony at Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding facilities in Pascagoula, Miss. Mrs. Obama was supported by (l-r) Mike Petters, president, Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding, U.S. Coast Guard Capt. Bruce Baffer, prospective commanding officer, Stratton (WMSL 752) and Adm. Robert Papp Jr., commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Transition Program Eases Soldiers into Civilian Life
Monday, July 5, 2010
Firework safety tips Posted 6/30/2010 81st Training Wing Safety Office and Public Affairs 6/30/2010 - KEESLER AIR FORCE BASE, Miss. -- *NOTE: Please remain vigilant of current oil spill updates as they may affect beach availability for 4th of July firework demonstrations off highway 90. Go to for further information.* Dry weather in south Mississippi makes fireworks a dangerous proposition for Independence Day. James Palmer, Keesler's fire prevention chief, stressed that fireworks are strictly prohibited on base and in surrounding cities, but fireworks continue to be sold in Harrison and Jackson counties outside city limits. "Some people insist on buying and using them, regardless of the dangers," Mr. Palmer said. A June 2010 report from the National Fire Prevention Association noted that in 2008, the most recent year for which statistics are available, about 7,000 fireworks-related injuries were treated in U.S. emergency rooms. About 53 percent involve injuries to the extremities and 37 percent to the head. About 40 percent of the injuries involved young people under the age of 15. Sparklers, often considered "safe" for young children, caused 22 percent of the injuries, and small firecrackers accounted for 18 percent. The safest way to enjoy fireworks is at an outdoor public display put on by professionals. Stay at least 500 feet from the launch area. For people who opt to light their own fireworks, here are some safety reminders: Fireworks are not toys. They burn at about the same temperature as a household match. Buy fireworks from reliable merchants. Never attempt to make your own homemade fireworks. Mixing chemical powders can result in an untimely explosion that can cause death or injuries. Know the difference between a legal consumer firework and a dangerous explosive device. Items such as M-80s, M-100s and blockbusters are federally-banned explosives that can cause serious injury or even death. If you know of anyone selling such devices, contact your local police department. Different fireworks mean different hazards, so read the instructions on each one and follow them carefully. Avoid anything that isn't clearly labeled with the name of the item, the manufacturer's name and instructions for proper use. Light the tip of each firework at arm's length, using a fireworks lighter or fuse wick. Move back immediately. Light one firework or sparkler at a time. Rockets should be launched from a rocket launcher, not from glass or metal containers. Sparklers burn at temperatures of 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit, so make sure that anyone holding one wears gloves and puts each spent one into a bucket of water as soon as it's gone out. Never give fireworks to small children. Close adult supervision of all fireworks activities is necessary. Don't throw fireworks onto a bonfire. Store fireworks in a cool, dry place. Don't carry fireworks in your pocket. Always ignite fireworks outdoors. Never throw fireworks at another person. If a firework doesn't go off, it could still be live and could go off unexpectedly. Douse the "dud" with water, then bury it. Pets hate bangs and flashes and get frightened around fireworks, so keep pets indoors and close curtains to make things calmer. Before lighting any fireworks, make sure enough room is available in a safe place. Have a full bucket of water handy for any emergency, and for disposing of used sparklers. Loose clothing or scarves can catch on fire very easily. If clothing catches fire, stop, drop to the ground and roll over to put out the flames. Drinking alcohol adds to the danger when there are fireworks and bonfires around. Consider not having any alcoholic drinks available until after all fireworks have been set off. For more information, call the safety office, 377-2910, or fire prevention office, 377-8441. |
Sunday, June 27, 2010
General McCrystal Likley to Lose Job
McChrystal is expected to meet with President Obama before turning his resignation. On Tuesday, Obama said the general and team members of McChrystal used "poor judgment" in their statements to the magazine reporter.
According to AP reporters Anne Gearan and Jennifer Loven, "McChrystal did not criticize Obama directly but called the period last fall when Obama was deciding whether to approve more troops "painful' and the president was handing him an 'unsellable' position.
"McChrystal also said he was 'betrayed' by Ambassador Karl Eikenberry, the man the White House chose to be his diplomatic partner in Afghanistan."
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Flag Retirement Ceremony
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6731 will conduct the ceremony at 1 p.m. at 4321 W. Gay Road.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
109 Year Old Talks About WWI Memorial

In today's Parade magazine, 109-year-old Frank Buckles talks about the need to create a National World War I Memorial on the Mall in Washington, D.C.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Giving Away Buddy Poppies

Pascagoula Offers Memorial Day Fun

Public Relations Coordinator
PASCAGOULA -- Get in the mood for summer at Pascagoula’s new beach and Beach Park over this Memorial Day weekend. Following tradition, Pascagoula’s “Sounds by the Sea” outdoor concert will be held at Beach Park at 6 p.m. Sunday, May 30. In preparation for this event the park will not open until 2 p.m. that Sunday allowing for the set-up of the concert stage and other activities.
For added convenience the new concession facility at the park will be open during the “Sounds by the Sea” concert. D’Vine Soul Food will be serving everything from hot dogs to pork and rib lunches from the new facility located on the west end of the park from noon to 9 p.m. Regular concession hours will be Tuesday - Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday from noon to 6 p.m.
In order to insure a safe and fun experience within Beach Park visitors are asked to follow these rules and regulations: no pets allowed, no alcoholic beverage or glass containers, no profanity or disruptive behavior, and please put trash in receptacles.
City officials have not forgotten about our furry friends this Memorial Day weekend. Owners and their dogs can play on the beach between Hague and Pascagoula streets. However, dogs must be kept under control at all times and owners must pick-up after their animals.
For additional fun, the beach pier will remain open from 7 a.m. until dusk daily.
For those interested in a beach bonfire you must obtain a fire permit through the Pascagoula Fire Department and be prepared to display the permit throughout the weekend. Contact Pascagoula’s Central Fire Station at 228-762-1901 for more information.
Parking for the beach is located at The Point on the west end of Beach Boulevard or at Beach Park. No parking is allowed along either side of Beach Boulevard. Violators will be towed at the expense of the vehicle owner.
Memorial Day weekend always brings music, fun and fireworks to Pascagoula. To insure a fun and safe experience all visitors and residents are encouraged to following the rules and regulation set forth for the City’s public spaces.
Park ordinance for the City of Pascagoula reads:
1. No person shall cut, break, trample, injure or take any plants, flowers, shrubbery, trees or vegetation or remove any benches, seats or other appurtenances of such parks or enclosures.
2. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle upon a publicly owned beach except as necessary in its maintenance and care by a person authorized to do so.
3. It shall be unlawful to sell, drink or possess any alcoholic beverage on a municipal park, playground, ballfield, recreational area, or any public beach including those leased by private parties.
4. Glass beverage containers are banned from municipal parks, playgrounds, ballfields, or other recreation areas and public beaches.
5. It shall be unlawful for any dog to be in or upon any public park, beach or other public recreational areas (except the north portion of IG Levy Memorial Park & on the beach betweenHague Street and Pascagoula Street.)
Dog ordinance for the City of Pascagoula reads:
(a) It shall be unlawful for any owner of any animal, whether under control or not, to allow it to be in or upon any public park, beach, or other public recreational area within the City, except as otherwise provided in this section.
(b) Dogs may be allowed on the north portion of I.G. Levy Park under the following conditions:
(1) A dog shall be under the immediate control of a responsible person.
(2) Any feces produced by a dog while on such park shall be immediately collected and removed in a sanitary manner by the person having it under control.
(3) No dog shall be permitted upon the pavilion located on the park.
(4) No dog shall attack any other dog or human.
(5) No dog involved in a violation of this subsection pertaining to I.G. Levy Park shall again be permitted on such park.
(c) Dogs may be allowed on the public beach only in the area between Pascagoula Streetand Hague Street under the following conditions:
(1) A dog shall be under the immediate control of a responsible person.
(2) Any feces produced by a dog while on such beach shall be immediately collected and removed in a sanitary manner by the person having it under control.
(3) No dog shall attack any other dog or human.
(4) No dog shall be allowed to run free in the designated beach area.
(5) No dog involved in a violation of this subsection pertaining to the Pascagoula beach shall again be permitted on such beach.
(d) Owner as used herein means any person owning, keeping, harboring, or in possession of an animal.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Old Soldiers -- April 2010
Dorian Lee "Chic" Anderson, 79, passed away April 21 at his home in Ocean Springs. He was born April 28, 1930.
Anderson was honorably discharged from the U.S. Navy in 1954 with the rank of aviation electronics technician first class. He flew in missions off the USS Boxer CVA 21 and USS Oriskany CVA 34 during the Korean Crisis.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Specialist Aquaneldo Maurice Johnson
Johnson is survived by wife Karen Johnson and daughters Janae and Makia Johnson; mother Jean Johnson, sisters Jacqueline Glenn Moody, Marilyn Yvette Exum and Bonnie Stewart; a very special cousin, Precious Ann Thomas; god-brother Sedric Casey; grandchildren Kynnedi and Kassidy Johnson; nieces Talia Glenn and Bryanni Exurn; a host of uncles, aunts, cousins, and friends.
Funeral services will be Friday, April 23, 2010, with visitation at 8:30 a.m. and commemoration at 9:30 a.m. at First Missionary Baptist Church of Hansboro, 1100 E. Pass Road in Gulfport. Burial will follow at 11 a.m. at Biloxi National Cemetery.
Read a complete obituary and sign his guestbook at