Sunday, June 27, 2010

General McCrystal Likley to Lose Job

Gen. Stanley McChrystal is likely to lose his job today after he and other military personnel made disparaging comments about President Barack Obama and some of the president's top aides during an interview with Rolling Stone magazine.

McChrystal is expected to meet with President Obama before turning his resignation. On Tuesday, Obama said the general and team members of McChrystal used "poor judgment" in their statements to the magazine reporter.

According to AP reporters Anne Gearan and Jennifer Loven, "McChrystal did not criticize Obama directly but called the period last fall when Obama was deciding whether to approve more troops "painful' and the president was handing him an 'unsellable' position.
"McChrystal also said he was 'betrayed' by Ambassador Karl Eikenberry, the man the White House chose to be his diplomatic partner in Afghanistan."

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Flag Retirement Ceremony

D'IBERVILLE -- A flag retirement ceremony has been planned for June 14.

Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6731 will conduct the ceremony at 1 p.m. at 4321 W. Gay Road.