Dotsie Fountain with Harold Jones VFW Post 2132 displays buddy poppies given to residents visiting Wayne Lee's Grocery and Market in Pascagoula today. Fountain said the poppies were free but donations were accepted to help with veterans. Sunday marks Memorial Day, when the country remembers military personnel who died in American wars and conflicts.

Dotsie Fountain said, "We can't do nothing overseas, we are doing it here. She and others, including 12-year-olds Breeauna Young and K'Leigh Young, spent Friday at Wayne Lee's Grocery in Pascagoula giving out buddy poppies to help raise money for veterans in honor of Memorial Day.

Jane Smith, Jason Achee and Shay Smith spent Friday morning at Pascagoula River Park waiting the arrival of the USS Mississippi submarine at the Port of Pascagoula. "It was a great experience," said Jane Smith. The arrival of the submarine, built at Huntington Ingalls Industries, was one of many activities this Memorial Day weekend.
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