Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Vietnam Veterans Receive Medal of Honor

WASHINGTON -- Bennie Adkins and Donald Sloat, who served in the Vietnam War, were awarded the highest military honor on Monday during a ceremony at the White House.

The Medal of Honor was presented to Adkins as the 54th living recipient who fought in Vietnam. William Sloat, accepted the award for his brother, allowing Sloat to join 204 deceased Medal of Honor recipients who served in the war that ran from November 1955 to April 1975.

Adkins, a a command sergeant major, was badly wounded while rescuing fellow comrades during an enemy attack. He had joined the U.S. Army at age 22 during 1956.

A native of Opelika, Ala., he served in the infantry and special forces, and was deployed to Vietnam three times.

Sloat died Jan. 17, 1970, when he fell on an enemy grenade to shield fellow soldiers from further destruction. Sloat joined the Army in 1969 and was a machine gunner after completing training.

For details of their heroics, visit sunherald.com

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